Title: Cosmic Crisis

Platform: PC 

Genre: Shooter

Rating: E10+

 Target Market: Ages 10+, casual/arcade gamers 

Game Overview: A top-down, 2D space shooter inspired by Galaga and other early arcade shooters. This game is a project for a college course, so make of that what you will.


WASD/Arrow Keys - Movement

Left Click - Shoot

Red enemies travel the direction they are facing. Purple enemies will lock on to the player and chase them. Occasionally, red "Repair Rings" will spawn on the map; collect them to regain 30 health, or overcharge your HP if you are close to maximum. 

To clear the first stage, you must accumulate 5000 points. The second stage is endless, so shoot for a high score!

Game Design Team:

 William Gulick – Game Designer 

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